August 30, 2010
Wow, opposition in all things!
Thank you for the letters!!! I am so grateful for them. I love smelling so good every day! What a great feeling of cleanliness, thanks again loving the lotions still too! Tasha what's going on, you need to write me an e-mail or letter so that I can get caught up in your life! Love you glad you got to visit mom and dad and family wish I was there, but I'm here doing well. :D Yeahoo! I love missionary work! Even when it hurts, it's a good hurt because it means we are getting closer! Love Tomball, love my heavenly father and my ASESOME FAMILY AND FREINDS! Thank you for the support so very much!
A funny thing: well, more of a draining week, but something funny was about Brenda: ha ha ha!!! So funny! I love how the Lord works to help his children keep their commitments! Read I tell about it latter ha ha! I’ve been reading "Our search for Happiness" WOW!! I encourage all to read this short powerful book, and then read the book of Mormon again! WOW! Learning so much! Thanks for telling me mom about dad's necklace so glad to hear his heart is getting big and strong again! :D I pray every day for that and for mom to get blessings for enduring through everything and for the kids and everyone. JULIE and JED's b-day's are coming up!!! YAHOO! Do you know that September 22nd 183 years ago in 1827 Joseph Smith was led by the resurrected angel Moroni to receive the Gold Plates that we know now as the book of Mormon! :) What a day to be born babes!!! You are special you know that! And I love you so much, and all my family and my dear true friends.
There is opposition in all things!
This week we got to go to zone conference with Elder Kikuchi from the 70's he is incredible, there couldn’t have been a better talk to change and uplift my heart then the things he said.
He taught us how to do better door approaches and teach the second we open our mouths, but first get permission and explain we will only stay 1 or 2 minutes. Ask them "do you know you are a daughter/son of god?" Do you know he has a plan for you and your family to return back home with him in heaven?" "What do you know about that plan?" that's where the change has happened. When we ask what people know of the plan of salvation and happiness they stop and say, I don't know, or fumble to answer with the knowledge they have. Their hearts are humbled and they’re more open to hear the true plan God has for his children. We have implemented this in the field and my companion and I have seen great miraculous things happen! 1st we got 4 new investigators on Saturday and 2 on Sunday! This is UN-Heard of here in the Tomball mission. (called the hardest sister mission in the area) how funny, because it's also my favorite!!!! I love LOVE LOVE it here! The ward is incredible, there is just so much work to do, and patience has been my struggle with working at a pace both me and my companion can, or are willing to work at.
We found a set of twin girls while we were tracting on Saturday and found out it was their birthday, I instantly said, "that's why we're here to sing you happy birthday!" I looked at my companion and she saw my eyes and jumped right in singing "happy birthday to Christina and Alisha" then we asked them the questions we were taught to ask. Incredibly I felt impressed to continue into the 1st vision and invited them to pay attention to how they feel while I recite these words Jospeh Smith Spoke as a 14 year old boy. Alisha was staring in awe and kept saying "WOW"....when I finished she said "wow, I have goose pumps" I expressed the love heavenly father has for them and gave them a birthday present the book of Mormon and a Joseph Smith Pamphlet explaining a little more and asked if we could come back Sunday (yesterday). We got her number and she said yes. We came back last night with a member and (I had felt something with Alisha, just an incredible daughter, choice daughter, they were turning 19) when we got there the father came to the door and yelled at us saying "we are Lutheran and we are not doing this, and they are not interested!" I tried my best without strangling him to express how important the message is and how his girls were interested. I walked back to the car after he slammed the door in my face my heart broken, aching and turned to our member and asked "how many swear words can a missionary say?" I was so mad, I can imagine how mad Emma Smith must have been after everything she went through, dieing babies, losing home after home, her family never converting or telling how proud they were of her, I can imagine she had some feelings of wanting to just run up to people scream until they listened. I questioned the Lord and asked, why? Why did we even go there if their father was just going to take away their agency and yell at us to leave? And then I remembered the feelings I had of Alisha. She knows the truth, she has the book of Mormon, and she remembers what she felt. I am going to call her today and tell her what happened, and give her a chance to still learn if she wants to. (Interesting that she just turned 19) and now she is an adult and no one can stop her from learning if she chooses to.
Brenda has committed to be baptized on October 2nd, she is doing ok on quitting smoking. Something funny happened though, the night she promised she wouldn't smoke any more she finished her 2/3rds of her cigarette and then the next day guess what happened? Her air conditioning broke and she has no money at all, she borrows her cigarettes and her daughter doesn’t want her kids to be around Brenda smoking, so she never comes by. And Brenda's phone is off, because she can't pay for it. And now her air conditioning is broken too! I told her, "you know sometimes the Lord reminds us of our commitments we have made in ways we don't want, like shutting off our air conditioning in the hottest part of the summer in the TEXAS HEAT and humidity!” Oh no, but not my air conditioner" she said. We prayed and read together, she is reading the book of Mormon and so far is doing well. What a miracle for us as the Lord's servants to know that the Lord will back up his servants by the power of God.
Speaking of that, we taught a less active, Sean and I felt impressed to tell him, if he started coming back to church and stayed strong and paid his tithing that his family would follow his example and Rachel, (his wife) would be baptized. He looked at me and quickly said...."I'll see you Sunday" he actually did come, he left right after sacrament meeting, but he did come. Miracle, the Lord is testing and trying me, there is something coming I can feel it also, Katie you had mentioned it too. I feel something is going to happen, we must always be ready for the promptings of the Holy Spirit, for it is the only way the Lord wills commune with us, with out it, we stand alone in a world with out knowledge. Like Moroni, I often feel sad and angry because of the choices of the members and children of God all around, my heart breaks, when I hear of yet another child of God that has just no time to hear the great Plan of Happiness the Lord knows will bring to each of us the Joys we are seeking and answer the un-answered questions we yurn to find out: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" simple truth, and yet so many forget to ask. Even when Christ Himself comes in 3rd Nephi and teaches the people, he says prove me, ask the father if what I have taught you is true and faithful, and he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the holy ghost and by this power, ye may know the truth of all things.
I cannot really explain the change in me lately, almost a feeling of giving up who I was to become who I need to be. Things I am learning to say and striving to master not for myself or for praise but for the pure joy of Knowing my sister or brother has finally found the truth, or because the Lord is beginning to trust me, he will pave the way for me as his servant. Hmm....where true faith is miracles occur. ...Bible's what the world has that doesn’t' know,'s what we have and sometimes will not share...why?...
Where would you be individually right now if you were not a member of the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ? Where would you find true joy that lasts? Would you have a family? Would you be close to your own family, what would the point be? We are taught in Thessalonians 5:21" Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" by their fruits ye shall know them. Name one bad thing that came from the restoration of the gospel, not by the mistakes of man, but strictly the doctrine of the Book of Mormon, find one thing that teaches bad? NOT ONE! Only good, we invite all to read, ponder and pray about the book of Mormon and then Ask God your father who will never lie to you in the name of the son Jesus Christ if the book is the word of God!
It's incredible the feeling if you ask with real intent with humble heart searching for truth ONLY you will witness a miracle. I promise you that!
I love you, miss you dearly and pray for these next months miracles will be happening, if only we open our eyes.
Love you all from here to heaven, home
Sister Judkins
Transfers this SATURDAY!!!