Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Letter #4

Dear Family and Friends! May 17, 2010

Oh how I love missionary work! I love the people, the spirits of excitement and also the promptings and disappointments that teach me how to handle the future.

1. got my 1st door slammed in my face....but because I am how I am about 10 minutes as we passed the street again I saw her in her garage smoking with a friend (smoking...BIG problem here). So I walked up to her as my companions stood with opened mouths. I tolled her about her neighbor who got hurt, and to be aware of her and sweetly talked for 5 minutes we smiled and laughed. Then went on my way. My companions were in awe. THEY ARE GREAT!

2. I LOVE our less actives when they are finding that light of Christ again, It is truly remarkable and exciting. Ok I can only pick one: PEAVLERS....Jac, Becca, Amber-3 and their little boy Dillin-5. They were my first lesson and I remember because I told Jac the father that he needs to support his wife and his kids need the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. It's his responsibility to be the father and priesthood holder. Going to church wouldn't be a commandment if it was not important ya know. Well I asked: " Will you come to church this Sunday?" and he chuckled and said "yes". Well you guessed it, they weren't there last Sunday. BIG SURPRISE TO ME, because I can read people pretty well, and I knew they were not trying to pull my leg. So this Thursday we went to teach them their weekly lesson and they immediately said they had planned on going, their clothes were all set up, and they slept till 12:47 (church started at 12). They both said they woke up and my face was the 1st thing they thought about. How disappointed I would be in them... which I was :(....they followed by promising they were coming this last Sunday...WHICH was yesterday....guess what?...they were there!!! :D oh they looked beautiful and happy all together. They are fantastic.

3. Jac Peavler the father of this family tolled us Thursday that he has a friend whose name is Tony.... who has been asking him hear and there about his church and everything. He is catholic, but Tony agreed to come to the missionary lessons this Thursday with us. :) I wish you could have seen his eyes. Bright and excited and scared...and yet full of hope and a faith. He is nervous because he doesn't think he knows enough to teach Tony, but he has been raised in the gospel, and even though he fell away around 18, he still always knew that it was true!!! He knows God lives and loves him and all his Children and he has a plan: the Plan of Happiness and I bear testimony that is all you need to know to teach. After that through faith and PRAYER the Holy Ghost will testify all things. I know that is true because it's a promise from OUR FATHER! And God, our father, CANNOT LIE!

4. Breezy and Jonathan and she's got 3 adorable kids, came to church this Sunday too, she had a jerk of a husband for 10 years just got married 2 months ago, Jonathan needs to live up to his priesthood responsibilities ( I'm so grateful my brothers strive to live up to their priesthood responsibilities and temple covenants and or strive to receive them soon, I'm so thankful to you DAD for setting a GOOD example, your not perfect yes, but you have always set a good example of a worthy priesthood holder and honorable father and husband to mom. thank you for that).

5. We contacted many people through a production the youth was putting on kind of like dance festival!! :D how fun!!! It’s called Camorah's Hill! AMAZING...U-tup it! So many less actives and investigators came it was astounding. I was able to meet and mingle and teach many. The spirit was so strong!! I wonder if that is how it was with dance festival, mom do you remember. WOW!! This really works the spirit that is.

GOD LIVES.....I know he loves his children and so we will also live and through the healing power of the atonement we will live ETERNALLY WITH HIM!!! TOGETHER as a FAMILY! :D I love you all so much!!!!

Love you all from here to Heaven!

Sister Judkins

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