Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Letter #60

This transfer is going WAY TOO FAST! It’s really crazy, the work is going strong:

1. Curtis, we are praying for him and his aunt to be baptized on June 18th.
2. Marisa, We are teaching her 2 times this week and going to give her a date for June 18th or 25th. (She needs to get married)
3. Lana, has now come to church 2 times in a row a stayed all 3 hours. She loves it, we had a great lesson together in class and she knows a lot of people in the ward. She really loves it, she is going out of town for 9 days in 2 weeks and she doesn’t want to start lessons until after that. That makes me nervous because anything can happen, but we went over and gave her a restoration DVD and pamphlet and she just ate them up, showed me Sunday, it was all marked up, she is really studying. we felt that if she still wants to wait on lessons (officially, because we still get over to her and talk about 3 times or 4 a week, short briefly, we need to feed it to her and have her commit to reading the book of Mormon while she is on her cruse! So when she comes home, we can continue strong. Do you think that would be good? She needs to stop smoking!

Curtis, Lana and Skylar came to church Sunday! Skylar is a 17 year old boy, and struggling, but likes to be around Erin (a member) his old girlfriend. We went and talked to him last night and shared with him the restoration, enough for him to know what our call is and how if he'd like to learn more, we would teach him with Erin's family. He said his mom would say no. I asked him to read the pamphlet and pray about it, ask God if it's true. Because if it is, it's worth fighting for and not giving up. He said he would. I think he'll take the lessons. they just got evicted from their apt. so we asked him to call us for service, we will help, and I said, (he's been to church 4+times) know that these people in the ward are your family, we want to help serve you any way we can. Will you call us. He said yes. So pray for them.

Ok something that's been heavy on me....I don't know if I told you, but I'm planning on taking the early transfer in SEPT. But lately I have been thinking and praying about staying until November. I have felt right about leaving in September since the beginning of my mission, but now I'm questioning,.. It’s weird, I'm trying to ask Heavenly Father where I would be happiest because I know so far even when something is hard as long as I am obedient and steadfast in following Heavenly Father and the promptings of the Holy Ghost, God wants us to be happiest and he keeps his promises. So, I have been praying to see where he wants me to be. But so far, no answer! .....

Sister Taylor and I are getting along good. She works hard and I have come to see how much I've grown, because I let things go a lot more than I used to, there are more ways to get the same job done. The spirit works in many ways. Sister Taylor is learning to look at people in the eye and slow down when she teaches, and I am learning to share teaching responsibilities. She’s been the 1st companion since my trainer that wants to teach and testify and will just as much as me. So that has been a good challenge to find the balance between us with the spirit to teach. I feel happy when I am humbly learning....sometimes it takes a while to be humble, but I am grateful for my chastening because they help me with humility and charity.

I felt extremely blessed to see Brother Brazil (a recent convert) go through the temple Saturday and then to see him be sealed to his parents! WHAT A MIRACLE! I couldn't help it, I bawled like a baby! I can't explain how I feel when families are sealed together forever! I wish ya'll could have been there. I feel such a drive to always stay worthy to take my family to the temple and be willing to live our lives to be receptive of this secret special gift. I feel like King Lamoni's dad who said "I will give away my entire kingdom to know this truth.....I will give away all my sins just to know you" he's talking of God.

How often we take for granted the most sacred things in our lives:
1. Our family: being together forever through temple sealings.
2. Our Father in Heaven: his plan for ALL his children (that's everyone), and all he asks us to do is "keep my all my commandments"
3. Our Savior Jesus Christ: Who suffered and died for us so we might overcome Spiritual and physical death. As long as we become as a child, meek submissive and full of patience!! (That’s a hard one) but if we don't become as a child, we cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven!

I know this church is true, I know that without it, I am nothing. Alma 5....I know we have a living prophet on the earth today and he is called of God to keep the word and gospel pure and true! I know this because when I pray...when I'm humble enough to actually be ready to hear the whisperings from the Holy Ghost, I feel warm, like my heart is too big for me, and I feel the love of my father and of my savior. This makes me happy! Why aren't we as members the happiest people on the planet. If I only knew what my mission was going to be for me and the people I have met that have changed my life forever and the lessons I couldn’t have learned anywhere else in the world, I would have crawled on my hands and knees to the MTC! It’s TRUE! I bear my testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the fullness of truth. And is in fact the only true church on the face of the earth, because Christ is the head of it. And by reading the book of Mormon one will become closer to my Heavenly Father. I bear this testimony in the name of our savior Jesus Christ Amen!

-Sister Judkins

IRON MAN we saw and jumped out of the car because we were stuck in traffic anyways, we were going to go do service hence the regular work out clothes; we started screaming and hoot'n and passing out cards and teaching lessons!!! SOOO GREAT!!! They were really intense!!! One of the ladies talked to my companion and said "well, you have a wild one don't you?"....I have no idea what she's talking about. ;) I'm very calm and quiet! Ok...I'm not. It was funny! She was asking lots of questions and I think she's talk with her Mormon friends she works with. We both agreed, we liked her! :)

Then brother Brazil and I when he went through the temple and got sealed to his parents

Rabevra Ofczarzak and me at the temple! Love her! In our favor the wind and humidity was not in our favor!

Sister Taylor ( my companion! ) and me at the IRON MAN competition! SO AWESOME!!! The cars were stuck for hours, then we left our lights on and all the cars were honking and I had to run really fast to get the car out of the way! Ha ha!!! LOVE IT!

Love you all!
-Sister Judkins

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