Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Letter #62

Dear family and friends,

This week is great! 34 lessons. 5 member presents. Were hoping to get it up, but this week was incredible!

1. Marisa came to church, loved it, and brought her 13 year old son Jac. Who wants to take discussions also? She is seeing the difference in her family for the 1st time they all sat down and ate dinner together! She is exited for the temple and to read preach my gospel!

2. Curtis came to church and is reading the book of Mormon and he brought 2 of his friends to his lesson which we’ll also be attending his baptism on June 22nd. We gave them each a book of Mormon and committed them to read and pray about it, and answered their questions on the trinity. It was AMAZING!!! I really feel the one friend if not both and families would be possibly interested if not now, then in the future.

The work is awesome.....tons of things going on just needing to constantly organize, Sister Taylor feels overwhelmed at times, but we are working well together and I can see as we are continually striving to be obedient the miracles are starting to be incredible, there is a TON of work here and we are just getting started!!!
I love it!!!

We are running ever. Morning it's great! We have been working working working and love it! It’s incredible! I love being a missionary.
Tasha I want an announcement :)

Ok, well sorry it's not very long. I miss you all and I'm doing great loving my mission and my companion Sis Taylor is awesome and the work is incredible!!!

-Love you Sister Judkins

Don’t forget to CTR and SMILE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the bluebonnets. I really miss those. I guess you remember that we lived in Houston for 12 years before moving here? So I love learning which areas you're in. I'm familiar with them and I do have great memories of the people there. Good luck when you return, I'm so sorry I won't be there. But you'll have to come up on the train (it's cheap!!) and I'll take you around. Seattle is a really interesting place. We move next Monday, 27 June. So, I'll be thinking of you in September. Bye for now!
