Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Letter #63

Wow! This'm sick, but wow the Lord works in grand ways. Last night at 10 pm I received a message from a lady in our ward who’s mother passed away asking for a soloist to sing "how great thou art" at her funeral TODAY! I have been trying not to be sick, but I was horribly congested and yuck....but it all worked out and we were able to be with this family this morning and my voice just worked. I could do it, even though physically I was not well. This was a part member family and the husband and the whole congregation was in tears as the spirit bore testimony of the truthfulness of the plan of salvation! How great full I am for that sweet experience.

Marisa is doing incredible!!! Her son Jac is now taking lessons too, and he wants to get baptized in 3 weeks and she said last night she knows the Book of Mormon is true!!! :) She read the Book of Mormon with her step kids and nephew and her 17 year old nephew wants to come to church and her 20 year old step daughter too! WOWO!!!! WONDERFUL!!!

Curtis is getting baptized June 22nd for the youth activity and is excited and bringing lots of friends and family to the baptism!!! SO EXCITED!

Our ward is HUGE yesterday for the 1st time since I've been here they opened up the cultural hall!!!! YERASHAHAH!!! It was wonderful the Fergusson have been coming now and we have a set apt with them every Monday for them to learn and study the book of Mormon and soon they will be sealed together in the temple!!!!

We are working on more Potential inv. the Lord's time table and not ours.

I've been heavy laden this week, and I am praying to be the best missionary I can be. We are working every day on our minutes and we are still UINDER! The text messages are helping a lot! To keep minutes down and to be connected with our inv. and less actives and members. VERY helpful!

President, I am worried about transfers, there I said it. I pray my heart is soft and tender and open to what is going to happen. my heart is full of love her these areas I've served in, God has a great and marvelous work here in Montgomery and I'm so grateful to be apart of this learning process and as we are humble, meek and submissive, God will provide all that he promises!! I know that this is true; I know the gospel is true, because when I teach and testify, my heart burns and I feel peace. I will NEVER fall away! I will assure you this president, I will NEVER give up the testimony that I have burning in my chest and how great the lord truly is to me for sending such a patient and loving Mission President and sister Hansen to help me on my journey of becoming who I am mint to be, thank you for all you have done!! YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL MISSIONARIES!! And I say that from the bottom of my heart!

I love you both
Thank you for your examples!

-Love, Sister Judkins

That was my last letter to our mission pres. I am kind of in a rush, but I love you all, my heart has been full! I'm sick, but doing better. I love the Lord and all her does for me and the tender mercies and loved ones that are in my life and the new ones that I've come to love out here in Texas!!! I am so humbled to feel my saviors love in my brothers and sisters. Thank you for all you do to support me and show your love, I appreciate the letters that I do receive how incredible they make me feel to know of the love I have and support.

The work in crazy awesome!!! I'm FREAKING out for transfers. I have no idea what's going to happen, my heart is preparing to break again! But I know that trust in my heavenly father is the only way! I love it! I love you all so much!!! If you are receiving this know that I truly feel you are my family and I love you each SO much!! :)

-Love you,
From here to heaven,
Sister Judkins

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