Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Letter #12

July 6, 2010

Ok this week!!! It’s really been a doozy!!! Ok well Lori and Bill are less active family that got offended, remember I told you about them? :) Well, we went out to brunch with Lyle and Barnett and they swore up a storm....we had all kinds of fried foods for breakfast and pudding, we felt so sick after!!! Anyways, after we got home we were thinking about Lori and Bill and then Sister Mullins answered the phone and it was for me!!! It was Lori....she was calling to see if next time we came by if we could bring a few tithing receipts!!! AHAHAH!!!! "Of course" I said, "did bill get the gift we left him" she said "yes, that is what brought this on." I was jumping off the walls with joy 10 years and something changed. I was so later on in the week we went over and brought the tithing slips and when bill saw me he smiled ear to ear and came out and shook my hand, we talked and shared a message from Elder Skousens’ talk "the atonement" SO GOODDDD (I would love some good talks on CD or maybe when business gets better we could send money for an I-pod....Sister Davis said she might give me hers. but I could look for one for cheap, and then some speakers ... We are living off of 2 music CD's and bumped 3 talk CD's off our district leader who is totally rad!!! Elder Weaver is such a good missionary.) Just an insert… buying an I-pod might be cheaper and then people in the ward would download some music and talks from their computers.....tell me what you think Sis Davis leaves in September. But I feel bad taking hers. Anyways, great talk you all got to get talks from SKOUSEN!!! Ok back to the story.... while we were talking with bill he started saying how he was trying on his suit to go to church on Sunday........ :D THEHEHSHDAHFHDHDHDHHDHSHAHAHAHAHAH!!! WHAT!! amazing 10 years and he was mentioning coming back to church, I’m so thrilled, he said he might come on the 4rth...but didn’t' but he said he wants to come next week!!! So I'm pretty exited

Thanks for the letters, dad, I needed to hear what you said to me!! Thank you! Loved all the ASESOME pictures and notes, so cool! Can’t wait for more!!! mom, I heard you sent the birthday girl (Katie Harrop....remember her :) he he! a birthday package! pretty sure your FREAK"N AMAZING@!!!) I thought that was really cool. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!! the big 21 ;) oh wait,,,,,ANYWAYS...Happy birthday!!! I love you!

I wanted to send pictures today, but forgot my cord...sorry next time you’ll get lots. Mike and Clark excepted a soft commitment, "when you come to find that these things are true as we have come to find out through prayer, will you be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?" this is a "soft commitment" the both said yes, we teach them tonight, about the plan of happiness. We are going to commit to a date today! They are pretty cool, good kids; Mike is more interested I think. We’ll find out tonight more!

I get to go on exchanges tonight!!! SLEEP OVER!! With Sister Davie it should be pretty fun! I'm excited to see how it's done there, and to work hard and learn more. we are working on lots of ways to get more investigators which by the way it’s working the MIRACLES.....the members are bringing their friends to us to teach and extend the opportunity for them to except the gospel. So totally amazing isn't it! we got 2 husband and wife from the RS president's husband....more are also working on some personally I think we need to set a date with the members to see when they will invite their friends to church or a lesson with us.;....we'll have to see. But way cool, Miriam and Chris, Miriam is from Mexico and Chris is an American they are so cool! Have a book of Mormon and is pretty much asking to come to church, we had some laughs when we met them Sunday! it was cool we are setting up an appointment with them too this week! :) EYAAHAHH! I love missionary work!

I love you all so much, something I learned this week is patience and learning from things we do...having trust in the lord that if we are prepared to meet something ready to hear the gospel we will be in the position to teach and have them to really listen and hear. I promise each of you that same blessing, that if we want and are seeking missionary opportunities and we are truly prepared the Lord will open our eyes and our mouths to teach .... How the savior would.....don’t' be scared that's also something I learned. What’s scary about sharing a message the savior shared and those that came before and will come after, we stand with the best when we stand up for what’s right!

I love you MUCHO GRANDE!!!!!

Your daughter, sister, friend, fellow servant of our Savior and Redeemer -Sister Judkins

Letter to President Hansen

July 6th, 2010

I'm thankful to say; the Church is TRUE!

The gospel changes lives, the atonement makes the same change in everyone....but many times and in different ways over and over.

our member our blossoming well, they are finding and not afraid to bring us to meet their friends that are investigating the church, we received 2 new investigators Chris and Miriam, she is from Mexico, he is American, they are so nice and great! we are planning our 1st lesson with them sometime this week. The members gave them a book of Mormon and are good friends with them. It makes me happy to see that the ward trusts us as their missionaries.

Our bishop’s wife, Sister Nicolas said the other week that she has a friend that is almost ready for lessons, she said putting her hand on my shoulder...." I think you are the missionaries we will turn him over to." WOW, what a compliment. So the work is pushing forward.

I’m worried for the youth of the ward....we are attending some YW and I'm keeping close tabs of them and making sure they feel my love and ultimately and most importantly their saviors love. There is work to be done here, not quite sure exactly how or what, but I know these youth are special and some struggling badly.

Sister Mullins and I are thank goodness for companion inventory doing better this morning, the days we don't do companionship study are the days gone bad, you feel the difference. I'm working each day to better myself and live up to the expectations expected not only of me but my savior.

I am a representative of Jesus Christ, truly I am to walk and teach in the way he would if he were here! ....Ok....I'm ready for another week! BRING IT ON!

Love and sincerely,
Sister Judkins

p.s. next time I see you could you give me an equivalent to a father's blessing?

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