Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Letter #6

May 24th, 2010

FAMILY, yes you are all my family. did you know we are all spiritual brothers and sisters and our spirits truly remember eachother!?

thank you for the letters... I love you all so much! I wish I could give you hugs...but because I can't, I'll tel you I love you and let GOD give you a hug from me!! :D Mom, thanks for writing me your testimony, I used it this week, with a recently activated member of the church. she was expressing how hard her marriage life was with her 3 young boys because of financial stress and abusive father from her past. threats of seperation were being thrown out from her husband and feeling of stress came up through hurtful words such as "well you just don't have faith". because she turned off the cable to save money, he got upset and told her she had no faith, mom, you told how when you read the book of mormon and you felt the spirit from head to toe. mom I told her this: "You are a choice daughter of God, you are here for a reason, you have these 3 boys for a reasona and are married to yoru husband for a reason, you are a choice daughter, the spirit is in your home when we come in and that is the most important thing. You are the Heart of your home, whether you want to be or not, YOU ARE!" I saw tears form in her sparkling eyes. "You are loved," I gave her a hug and whispered in her ear... "don't you EVER forget that". WOW!. thank you mom! becasue who you are and the things you taught me and how you said you recognized the spirit helped me with listening and ACTING on the promptings of the SPirit! Thank you for your Testimony mom! you desearve more than what I can say in words...I love you so much. thank you!

AND TO ALL THE MOTHERS, WIFES, DAUGHTERS, WOMEN OUT THERE!!!! you are GOD's choice WOMEN!...remember who you are, why you are here and dont' EVER let anyone or anything make you feel less than this: A DAUGHTER OF GOD who has been chosen to raise the next generation, whether your own kids or by your example with people around you!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! ALL OF YOU! even those who who are lost....find yourself.... FIND YOUR FAITH and GO and BE!

Ok this week has been AMAZING!!!! SO many wonderful things to tell you! I wish I had more time.

1. Jose has set a baptizm DATE!!!! YES!!!!! I KNOW!!!! June 12th! ok heres the story it's truly amazing....pray for him to follow through and feel God's love and continue in GOD.

Ok so on tuesday we went over, Sister Smith and I to teach the Plan of Salvation. (we have taught for 2 weeks). I really had to go potty so I told my companiona and she said "you can't hold it!!??" "NOPE" I said. this is relavent I promise! so we said our hellos when jose let us in and then I asked to use his restroom. while I was in there I felt so peaceful, and excited to teach him, but it was so funny I had the calm thought to desmiss satan. (I wasn't scared, or anyting,) but I didnt' hesitate, I've learned that GOd sends promptings for a reason and I wouldn't question them I'm want to follow through, so right then and there as I sat, I dismissed satan 3 times. and washed my hands and went and taught a great lesson of the plan of Happiness. then as planned I asked him if he would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized as the 1 step to be a member of the celestial kingdom?

he hesitated and kind of squirmed. he said "ya know, I jsut dont' know" he began to explain his hesitation, he said "I don't want to scare you or antyhing but I feel evil spirits and they have come to be at night time in this house". you have to understand Jose has been in gangs and seen and heard a lot more than any of us would wish for. "everytime I try and get closer to God I feel this cold, scary feeling. the night that I became Christain I had a dream where the devil came to me and had my children by his side and said if you do this I wont go after you, I'll go after yoru kids. I woke up sweating and scared and told my wife".

ok do you see where this is going? I kept quiet as my companion quickly interupted him to tell him that what he needs to do is pray and he will recieve strength. he asked "is there anything that you do for that?" was his question. I knew at that second why Heavenly Father told me to dismiss satan. I spoke. "Jose, I know you know that satan is real, just as much as God lives, so does satan, and he doesn't want you to get closer to god and especially not get baptized. you KNOW THIS. jose, do you remember when we talk about the priesthood power? the power to act in God's name, which every worthy man in the church can recieve, I have 2 things for you. 1 we can have a man that holds that priesthood come to your home tonight and through the power of God dedicate and bless your home. "I'de like that." he said. before I could even finish. and 2. you have a power now as a child of God to dismiss satan from your presence. do you know that. his eyes got really big and he shook his head. You are a Son of God, and he has given this power to his children. and at that moment, as if my mouth was moving but my words were not coming out I expressed to him and taught him how to dismiss Satan. "3 times". I said. "and he has to leave. he CANNOT STAY". it was amazing, the spirit was so strong. I knew what God wanted his son to hear. I then said, "Jose you are a choice son of God, he knows you and the asset you are to him raising your 4 kids and being the head of this home, he needs YOU!" pause. I than asked with eyes that were fixed on his. "Jose, can we put you on for June 12th for you to follow Christ's example and be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?" he looked at me and said. "Yes, I'll try it out". with a big smile on his face.

I'm worried that he said "I'll try it out". but I know that through teh power of God and the atonement he will be such an asset to teh Lord and furthering his kingdom on the earth! pray for him to follow through and except EVERYTHING! we are teaching teh WOrd of Wisdom and the Gospel tomorrow! he does tattoos for a hobby and is colovered in them himself, and smokes and drinks on acasion, so lets put faith to the test and pray for the spirit! HE"S GUNNA TO IT!!!

EXCITING 2 weeks out in the field and a baptismal date....not baptizm yet, but it soon will be!!!

Ok we met another woman her name is Latoya (having a baby TOMORROW) so golden, had a mormon freind years ago taught all the discussion pretty much, loves god, believes everything, the only thing that stopped her from gettting baptized she said back then was her smoking (since she was 14! :( crazy) but gues what she quit! her freind had breast cancer which was hariditary and she felt like a hipacrit possibly causing cancer on herself while her friend is loseing her hair through kimo. AMAZING WOMAN! we will be visiting her weekly starting in June. I believe she is ready to baptized. Her husband is awesoem he was the one that kept telling us to come back and talk to her! so supportive, he's baptist. great family! OH!! his moto, which Latoya loves is "aren't you just excited about LIFE?" PERFECT oppurtunity. did you see it!!??? I said to her. " did your friend ever tell you about the plan God has for us as his children? which you actually just stated?...she said um...I said "it's called the Plan of Happiness". her eyes got big and her mouth dropped, "No, through all the talks we had, we never talked about that, wow!" I said that is what we wanted to share with you today, and to tell you how your little girl that will be comeing in this world has lived zillions of years before and her soul is who she is, you get to watch her personality take form from sould to soul and body. and you get to be her teacher as Heavenly Father is both of your teachers. she smiled, wow!!... "I KNOW!" she said. she is amazing!!!! WOW!!!! so awesome! I'm so thrilled to get the members of relief society into her home to help her with her girl a few times a week, and help her. I feel like she is in every way ready to be baptized. they don't even watch rated R movies!!! or drink (often) or smoke. both were in teh military her 5 years, him still there 15+ years. WOW!! YES!@!!

well my companions had yet another water fight, is was needed, we had some hard weeks. so fun, I added DISH SOAP THIS TIME!!! HE HE!!! :D BAAHAHAHAH!!! so funny.

we found 3 new investigators this week!! TRACTING...YEAHHH BABY!!!! love it! my ankle is not getting better, going to buy another pair of shoes sketchers (only ones that work) special kinds, riding a bick all day really kills them...BRING On the DUCK TAPE! :) not even kidding!! yes I'm in a biking area 1/2 the time and car the other 1/2. ugh... I am allways sweaty...what a blessing no!? yes!!! I love it!!! I love the HUGE BUGS THAT BITE, the road kill I get to see flat on the side of the road. you see if we were driving I wouldn't be able to see these wonderful things. REALLY AWEOME.. I say a dried rattler snake, coiled up ready to attack...DRIED!!! SWEET!!! I know! I didnt' get a picture, cause I was on the freeway!. it's ok mom, I'm safe...:) I've got a helmet!!! with seet blue flames. ha ha! I love being missionary. I miss you all everyday, and somethimes I will cry at tight. but it's ok to cry and then get back to work for God is on our side and theres lots of work to do, PUT YOUR SHOULDER TO THE WHEEL!!! :)

I love you familia y amigos y amigas, yo missionara por Jeso Cristo y mi corason es FULL!!!!

DOnt' forget to send your testimonies to me!!! you all saw how mom's inspired a women who needed to feel that spirit and did. now go and do and be and write and send back to me!!!

be good missionaires. lve you lots.

all you young men, prepare for a MISSION!.....becasue it will prepare YOU! love you lots!!

Love you from here to Heaven, SIster Judkins

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