Cuttie pie and me!

Cuttie pie and me!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees family and I making funny faces!

President Pingrees Family and I

President Pingrees Family and I
My New mission Presidents family!

I'm gonna cut my hair!

I'm gonna cut my hair!
It's way too hot here!!!!



The Killer Scorpion

The Killer Scorpion

I thought I was going to die!

I thought I was going to die!

Jacob and Mallory!

Jacob and Mallory!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Sister Donken and I!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Me and my new dew!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Letter #7

May 31, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

Ok CRAZY WEEK!!!! Mom thank you for the package I LOVE YOU!!! you are totally inspired, the brewers yeast I was so anxious to get it in I took a spoon full right there while I guzzled down water....UGH!!! Remember how you would punish us by making us do that....well I remember why it was such a punishment!!! But the bugs are so big!!! and so I'm so happy! I'm wearing the sun scream too, so I don't die and shrivel up like a raisin in the WONDERFUL weather!! ha ha! gotta love it!!!

G-ma thanks for telling me how to say full, llama..... mi Corazon es llama. YEAH!H!H!H!H!H!H!H

Oh mom, do you know who of my missionary friends are home!? I think they're all about ready or already home!!


OK this week has been full of finding out who I am and why I am here!!! I hear that it happens a couple times through out the mission!!! Well miracles still happen and GOD IS GOOD!!! I fasted this Sunday for all my worries and my motto this month of June (aka the rest of my life)...."DON'T WORRY" My father in heaven knows who I am and loves us each individually, just like when He appeared to Joseph Smith to answer a 14 year old boy's question....and called him by NAME...HE KNOWS our names. How amazing!!!

One we met a women named Rachel. She is going through a tough time right now, but a pest control guy named Chris came to her door and instead of selling pest control gave her so much more. She politely declined his offer but quickly said "wait, I have something for you." she runs back with a scripture, you see she passes out scriptures to those she meets. He said thank you and proceeded to ask if she'd ever heard of the Book of Mormon, she said "no" he bore his testimony and shared with her the testimony and experience that Joseph Smith had in the Forest in 1820. "After 5 minutes of him talking, I knew it was true." Rachel said to me and my companion a few days ago while we were sitting in her room teaching her of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. She was so excited, after 30 minutes with Chris, she ordered a book of Mormon and that's where we came in. We met and taught with her and Rachel has committed to being baptized on June 12th 2010. She is awesome, very prepared and spiritual. She is starting her life over in every aspect of life, and now spiritually as well!!!

After teaching Jose about the Word of Wisdom, we haven’t really gotten in with him too much.

It's hard when your entire life you've been taught that baptism is a check off your list of things to do, when in reality in the Church of Jesus Christ you take upon yourselves Christ's name forever, to live like him and follow the prophet as we strive for perfection in and only through using the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. "For this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Immortality meaning immortal....but ETERNAL LIFE means with God, happy, Celestial kingdom. LIFE. Immortal is given to all men (this is called the resurrection, which Because of Christ overcoming death is given to everyman. but unfortunately most religions feel that this immortality means ETERNAL LIFE....there is a huge difference.)

I've learned that God is Just and through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ he is also Merciful. For God can only be Merciful if the price of justice has been paid. And it has! What a remarkable thing to realize that God wants to spoil us and just give us bodies and then grab us from sin and take us home, what loving father wouldn’t want to do that. But he can't. WE have our AGENCY.

We had two of the coolest opportunities. After dinner with a member, they gave us so much FOOD!!! oh wow I was so happy, my mouth was watering and I couldn't wait to dive into the lasagna, brownies, the most delicious strawberry short cake I've EVER HAD IN MY LIFE, rolls, (not as good as yours one beats those killer rolls) but ok you get the point, it's making me hungry even thinking about it!!! We were driving home and stopped by Jose's house to see if he was home, he wasn’t'. It was pouring rain and we ran back in the car, then it came... INSPIRATION!!....right in front of us was a family that just became reactivated in the church!! AMAZING family with 3 very ACTIVE BOYS. They were the family that played the TRICK ON 1st door I tracked!!! ha ha!!! If you don't know that story I believe it's in my 1st letter, or ASK MY MOM!!! Anyways. BAMB...the spirit came....earlier that week we had visited with them and she expressed what stress and financial difficulties they’re going through. Their fridge and cupboards were close to empty...."we should go visit them" I said to Sister Davis. "No, she's sick". I said, "EVEN BETTER, lets bring her some food." then it came Sister Davis said after some more persuasion, "Ok, LETS BRING ALL OF IT." "ALL OF IT I SAID!!!???" my heart and stomach did flips. I felt like a kid that said give your little brother your ice cream cone. It only took about 2 seconds of turning in the back seat covered with bagged muffins, lasagna, rolls, and veggies, brownies when I quickly jumped out of the car and said "OK". And running our arms full of food through the pouring dirty rain of Texas to bang on this families door, as soon as he opened the door we scurried in dumping the food all over the kitchen table. We saw his dinner at that point....4 corn dogs. this grown man's eyes got HUGE as we showed him all the food HUGE BAGS.... maybe 20 brownies, 15 muffins, 8 servings of vegetarian (actually delicious) lasagna and rolls, etc etc.... oh and banana bread 10 huge bricks!!! He started eating right away!!! We chatted a little told them we loved them and to EAT and ENJOY!!! WOW!!!! I love it!!! My heart is warm right now talking about it!!! AMAZING! I loved it so much. THIS IS THE WORK OF CHRIST!!! SHARE my friends and family and ward. SHARE!!! And LOVE like the SAVIOR WOULD!

Sharing has been a very weak point for me....anyone that knows me really well, knows that!!! It’s embarrassing to admit. but mom and dad... I'm doing so well. Because I know that when we put the kingdom of God 1st, ALL ELSE WILL FOLLOW!!! IT WILL!!! Do you know that!!!! SO AMAZING ISN"T IT!! That’s the scripture of the week that I kept thinking during my fast yesterday!!! (Speaking of that, how’s the 40 day fast going in the ward?).

Oh yesterday I fasted because I needed to find out who I am and I wanted so desperately to be Janna again. Contentions have been many this week and getting offended is popular last week. So I needed to be happy even when I felt like bawling my eyes out. GUESS WHAT!!! I'm SOooooooooooooooo HAPPY! I love the gospel, I love feeling the spirit, I love serving I love my family and my friends. I love knowing that when I put God 1st everything else I need will follow and things my family needs and friends will follow through faith all things are possible!!! THEY ARE!!!! WHY? Because God keeps his promises and is an honest God, and he cannot lie.

READ Nephi 2. Speaking of the Book of Mormon, I am now in Heleman 5!! SO HARD to finish when your doing missionary work. but hey don't give up on me yet!!! I am gunna finish before next transfers FOR SURE!!!! :D HOW IS YOUR READING GOING???

Thank you I love you, I love you, I love you sooooooooooooooo much!!!! I'm doing well; my heart is extremely llema today!!! FULL! My companion has been sick (sister smith) she is finally feeling better). THERE ARE SO MANY READY to hear the word and enter the waters, we just have to find them and most of the time members are the key factor. The WARD: you are the most amazing family ward I've been in and so loving and caring, reach out to your friends and when the time is right INVITE and share what you know. You don't have to be pushy but INVITE... you will be AMAZED at what happens!!! I love you all so much!!! Thank you for your letters and support!

Love you Mom & Dad; I fasted for you yesterday and our STRIPPLING family. I can't express my gratitude enough....I love you....Thank You!

Love you from here to Heaven,

Sister Judkins :D

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